UP Police Recruitment 2016 for 3307 SI (Civil Police), Platoon Commander & Fire Service Officers
UP Police Recruitment 2016: Uttar Pradesh state 2016 police recruitment
for 2707 vacancies (Male) and 600 Vacancies (Female) notifications released on
17th June 2016. Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board
(UPPBPB) organize each and every Police recruitment process of Uttar Pradesh.
This 2016 Recruitment notifications of Uttar Pradesh is for Sub Inspector (Civil
Police), Sub Inspector in Fire service and Platoon Commander in PAC posts. The Uttar
Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB) is inviting all eligible
men & women candidates to apply for it through the official website of Uttar
Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board uppbpb.gov.in. The online
applications are available in the official site of uppbpb (online applications for
female candidates started from 25th June 2016 and for male
candidates from 30th June 2016). The candidates who are interested
in this recruitment of Uttar Pradesh Police cadre can apply for it through
online. Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB)
2016 recruitment notification details are given in detailed manner.
How Many Vacancies available in UP Police Recruitment 2016:
The total number of vacancies
available in this UP police recruitment for Sub Inspector (Civil Police), Sub
Inspector in Fire service and Platoon Commander in PAC posts is 3307. The vacancies
details for male & female category
Sub Inspector (Civil Police) –
Sub Inspector in Fire Service - 97
Platoon Commander in PAC – 210
Sub Inspector (Civil Police) –
How much Salary will be given for SI post of UP Police Recruitment 2016?
The pay scale is same for both
male & female Sub Inspector posts and the scale of pay of sub inspector is
as follows
Rs. 9,300/- to Rs. 34,800/- with
Grade Pay Rs. 4,200/-
What are the Eligibility Criteria the candidates need to have: The
candidates need to have the preferred eligibility criteria for to apply for this
UP Police Recruitment 2016. Educational Qualification & Age limits details
of this UP Recruitment are as follows
Age Limits: the age is
considered as on 1st July 2016 and the upper age relaxation is
applicable based on the government rules
Minimum – 21 Years
Maximum – 28 Years
Educational Qualifications:
a) Graduate in any discipline from
a recognized University in India (For SI (Civil Police) & Platoon Commander
in PAC).
b) Graduate in Science from recognized
University in India. (For Fire service Inspector)
Physical Standards:
Physical standards are different for male & female candidates; you can
check the physical standard details in official notification of UP Police recruitment
Application Fee: payment of Application fee will be accepted in
both online and offline modes and fee is same for all category candidates that
is Rs. 400/-
Selection Procedure: The candidates, who were applied for this UP
Police recruitment 2016 are invited for the written test. After written test
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be conducted. The candidates who were
qualified in written test and physical efficiency test will be invited for
Certificate verification & Physical Measurement test (PMT). After that they
will announce the final list of the selected candidates; the final selection is
based on the written test marks
Written test -> Physical
Efficiency Test (PET) -> Certificate verification & Physical Measurement
test (PMT) -> Final selection list
Written Test Pattern:
General Hindi
General Knowledge
Numerical & Mental Ability
Important dates:
Online applications for Female
candidates start from 25th June 2016.
Closing date for female
candidates is 24th July 2016.
Online applications for Female
candidates start from 30th June 2016.
Closing date for female
candidates is 29th July 2016.
UP Police Recruitment 2016:
Click Here Official Notification for Male candidatesClick Here Official Notification for female candidates