Telangana ECET Results 2016/ TSECET [FDH & B.Sc (Mathematics)] Rank Card 2016
TSECET Results 2016: Telangana state Engineering Common
Entrance test (TSECET) for Diploma Holders & BSc (Mathematics) Degree
holders conducted in the month of May 2016. Telanagane ECET (TSECET) is an
entrance test for admission into 2nd year regular B.E, B.Tech &
B. Pharmacy courses in both government and private institutes of Telangana.
Telangana ECET 2016 Exam was conducted by JNT University Hyderabad on 12th
May 2016. Telangana ECET (TSECET) Results will be released on 21st
May 2016 at 5 PM. The students, who were participated in ECET 2016 exam of
Telangana which was conducted on 12th May 2016, can check their 2016
ECET results of Telangana which will be available on 21st May 2016.
The Telangana ECET (TSECET) results 2016 links will be available in the
official site of TSECET on 21st May 2016 after 5 PM.
TSECET [FDH & B.Sc (Mathematics)]: TSECET is an entrance test
for admission into 2nd year engineering courses (B.E, B.Tech) and B.
Pharmacy courses in both government & private institutes of Telangana. Diploma
holders Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy and B.Sc (Mathematics) Holders are
eligible to apply for this TSECET 2016 that’s why this is called shortly as
TSECET [FDH & B.Sc (Mathematic)]. The admissions into 2nd year
Regular B.E, B. Tech & B. Pharmacy courses in Telangana is based on the
TSECET Ranks of the students. Telangana ECET Results will be available on 21st
may 2016 which is available in the official site after 5 PM. Check your Result
status of Telangana ECET (TSECET 2016).
Check TSECET 2016 Results:
1. Go through the official site
2. Select the link related to TSECET 2016 Results.
3. TSECET 2016 Results window
will be opened, Enter your Hall Ticket/
Roll Number accurately.
4. Click on submit button.
5. TSECET 2016 Results of the
specified Hall ticket/ Roll Number will be shown.
6. Take a print of it for further
Download Rank Card of TSECET 2016: Rank card download process is
same like Telangana ECET Results 2016 checking. Because the rank is based on the marks
you obtained in Telangana ECET (TSECET) 2016 exam and Marks obtained in 4 Main subjects of
Diploma or 3 main Subjects of B.Sc taken in 3:1, that is weightage of 75% from
Telangana ECET (TSECET) 2016 Marks and 25% from the diploma or B.Sc main subject marks. Here are
the steps to download the Rank card of Telanagana ECET (TSECET [FDH & B.Sc (Mathematics)]) 2016 after releasing the results.
Rank card will be useful to the students at the time Telangana ECET (TSECET) counseling 2016.
1. Go through the official site
2. Select the link related to TSECET 2016 Rank Cards.
3. TSECET 2016 Rank Card window
will be opened, Enter your Hall Ticket/
Roll Number accurately.
4. Click on submit button.
5. TSECET 2016 Rank Card of the
specified Hall ticket/ Roll Number will be shown.
6. Take a print of it for further
Download TSECET 2016 Rank card , Entrance tests , TSECET [FDH & B.Sc (Mathematics)] Results 2016 , TSECET Results 2016