ISRO Recruitment Notification 2016 for 375 Scientists/Engineers 'SC' Vacancies
Annual Recruitment of ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization
announced about its 2016 recruitment for Scientists or Engineers. This ISRO
Notification 2016 is to recruit 375 Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ vacancies in
Mechanical, Electronic & Computer Science fields. They invite all the
eligible B.E/B.Tech or equivalent candidates to apply. The Online applications
for this 2016 recruitment of ISRO are available in the official site of ISRO The candidate, who
satisfies the eligibility criteria and who are interested or who are in search
of govt. job can apply for it through online from 5th May 2016 to 25th
May 2016. ISRO Annual Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ 2016
notification details are given in brief manner, which gives you the basic
information of the recruitment process. We hope it will be useful to you.
No. of Vacancies: The total no. of vacancies is 375 and the
vacancies in the specified fields are as follows
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’
(Electronics) – 216
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Mechanical)
– 109
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ (Computer
Science) – 50
Out of the above vacancies 9
vacancies (4 Electronics, 2 Mechanical & 3 Computer Science) identified for
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad.
Educational Qualifications:
BE/B.Tech or equivalent
qualification with minimum 65% Marks (Average of all semesters) or CGPA 6.84 on
a ten Scale.
AMIE/Grad IETE qualification with
minimum 65% marks or CGPA 6.84 in Section B alone.
The candidates who are slated to
complete the BE/B.Tech Course in the academic year 2015-16 are also eligible to
apply provided Final year degree is available by 31st August 2016.
Note: These are the minimum
qualification to short the applicants
Age Limits: 35 years as on 25th May 2016
Age relaxation is applicable to Ex-Servicemen
and Persons with disabilities as per government rules.
Application Fee:
Rs. 100/- for each application and fee exempted for All women Candidates,
ST, SC, Ex-servicemen and PWD candidates.
(Application fee will be paid
through challan (Offline mode) which have to download after successful
completion of the registration and pay the fee in any branch of SBI)
How to apply:
1. Visit the official site of ISRO
2. Select ISRO
Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ 2016 recruitment, Click on apply online.
3. Fill the form carefully and
check the entire fields before you submit the application form.
4. after successful submission of
the ISRO Scientists/engineers recruitment registration or application form, you
have to download the challan.
5. Pay the Application fee in any
branch of SBI.
6. Send the ISRO Copy of challan
within 7days of filling the application to Sr.
Administrative officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL
Road, Bangalore – 560094 by ordinary post only subscribing in the
envelope “ICRB –Recruitment of Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’” (Not Later than 1st
June 2016).
Selection Procedure: ISRO Scientists/Engineers ‘SC’ 2016 annual
recruitment 2016 starts with online registrations, after successful completion
of the registration, ISRO will short list the candidates for the written exam, call
letters for written exam will send through E-mail for the candidates who are
short listed. The written exam is just use to short list the candidates, the
candidate who are qualified in written exam will invite for the interview. The final
selection is based on the score of Interview that is 60% marks eligible for
consideration for empanelment in the selection Panel, in the order of merit.
Important Dates:
Online applications of ISRO
Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ recruitment starts from 5th May 2016
Last date for online application
is 25th May 2016.
Application fee will be paid on
any day between 5th May 2016 and 26th May 2016.
Written Exam will be conducted on
3rd July 2016.
Admit Cards or call Letters for
Written exam will be available 1 week before the written exam date.
Central Govt jobs , ISRO Recruitment 2016 , ISRO Scientists/Engineers (Electronics Mechanical & Computer Science) Recruitment 2016